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Jakes nice Trout

February Fish Report

February Fish Report

February was a decent month, high winds hampered backcountry travel opportunities, but there was good fishing on the outside bars, especially for sightfishing enthusiasts. We caught a variety of species including seatrout, redfish, mackerel, jack crevalle, ladyfish and one tarpon that released himself while in the air… The tidal action is normal for this time of year with lower tides and less moving water, so bait doesn’t move and sometimes neither do the fish.

They hunker down under the mangroves and really don’t expend a lot of energy searching for food.

But sometimes you cast and get surprised as Jake Churcher and his dad John did. Jake was fly fishing and hooked a Jack Crevalle and at the same time Johns reel almost exploded as the line peeled off the spool at high speed. We landed Jakes jack and finally landed Johns 20 minutes later pictured above…..

Jake also got several larger trout on flies and a snook…just couldn’t connect on the Redfish to complete a slam. Great day of fishing with smiles all around.

Ed Borman , Justin and Barrette, had an unbelievable day catching trout on spin outfits, nearly every cast produced a nice trout… They probably caught 40-50 and then we headed to Cabbage Key for lunch. Cabbage Key is on Cayo costa, which is the next barrier island to the south of Boca Grande.. We also slammed the trout and ladyfish behind Cabbage Key on the way home…..Another great day on the water.

There are Tripletail on the crab buoys out front on the beach, but the wind has to be right to fish them…which is usually a mild Easterly blow….Sometimes you travel miles before seeing one, but when you hook one it is worth the travel time. They are also excellent table fare.

I am looking for Tarpon everyday and seeing a few. Water temp is 66-74 degrees, tarpon like 75 and up. The poons have no need to surface in high winds as the surface rolling over produces extra oxygen . I believe this will be a banner year for tarpon….

As we approach summer the daytime tides are much higher during prime hours for fishing..Backcountry is very accessible and prime for redfish and especially snook.

I am also investigating outer reefs for Permit…spin fishers will use crabs and fly fishermen will be throwing shooting heads with Flexo-Crabs or other imitations to them. The winds have to be right to do this…I will let you know how it goes…

Thanks to all of y ou who came in February and looking forward to those that have booked future dates…

Let’s have some Fun!!!!!

Be well,

Capt. Al

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