May was a month full of promise and yet somewhat disappointing. Tarpon didn’t hit the beach until well into the month. Fly fishing was hampered by horrible winds which naturally blew the wrong way and made fly casting difficult, yet we had some great shots at the Silver Missiles but fish simply were not interested in eating….Most captains I know were simply shaking their heads in disbelief…
There were many bright spots during the month with great shots at Tarpon.
Chuck Stone and Jason and Jimmie had many shots at passing fish but no hookups…Jason and Jimmie did manage snook and redfish in the backcountry with Jimmie landing a mullet who actually ate a crab pattern. They also stretched their legs walking on the beach and caught ladyfish and snook in the back lakes and surf.
Corbin Blackford also scored in the backcountry catching seatrout and also had the rare accomplishment of getting a Mullet on a fly….
Tosh Vance also while tarpon fishing caught and released 30 plus seatrout while waiting for a shot at a Poon.
Aaron Googins and Eric Rome had shots at tarpon with one eat but didn’t get the hook set. Both are good casters and simply deserved better… Tarpon were in multiple Daisy Chains and simply weren’t interested in eating anything….
Heavy winds kept the fish down and they simply didn’t show….
Stuart Mushlin and Don had a good day catching seatrout and fishing for snook and reds, and got shots at some Tarpon and had a ball discussing English Literature….
Looking forward to June….and some eating fish!
Capt. Al *