October was a great month fishing with fly and light tackle. We caught 15 different species of fish which made everyday very interesting. Trout, redfish, snook, grouper, mackerel, jack crevalle, catfish, ladyfish, lizardfish, pinfish, silver trout, cobia and a few other species.
Vinny, Gabe and Judy from New York all got backwater slames catching seatrou, snook, and redfish..with Vinny’s 28” red the biggest. John from Minnesota all scored a backwater slam catching many snook on fly. Ryan Riddell caught snook, seatrout and numerous trout on fly while using Gurglers{ Topwater}. fishing in 25mph winds…Good job guys and gals!!
November has started well with lower tides being the norm and water temps around 75 degrees. Daily breezes around 10mph are helping with daily temps running in the 70’s.
Should be getting into some tailing redfish on fly. Sightfishing has been producing a lot of action but does require accurate casting, and patience…
Winter will start producing larger fish as they prowl the outer flats and sandholes in the backcountry…Super time to fish …throwing a fly or a plug.
Tight loops,
Capt. Al